The GenesysGo logomark is a secondary identifier for the brand. It can be used as part of the full logo or as a standalone mark.
Proper clear space is imperative in order to maintain visual balance and keep the logo proportional in relationship to other components (i.e. other logos, copy, illustrations, etc).
The shdwDrive logomark is a secondary identifier for the brand. It can be used as part of the full logo or as a standalone mark.
Proper clear space is imperative in order to maintain visual balance and keep the logo proportional in relationship to other components (i.e. other logos, copy, illustrations, etc).
Aim to use these percentages as a guideline, not a hard truth. In any case, strive to use our primary colors 70% of the time and secondary supporting colors 30%.
Genesys Green
C91 M0 Y38 K2
Cloud White
C5 M3 Y0 K2
Steel Gray
C9 M6 Y0 K26
Slate Gray
C6 M5 Y0 K57
shdwDrive Blue
C7 M5 Y0 K79